
We are nothing
without our clients

I am really happy that I went through Mary's course. Apart from being a friendly and caring person, Mary taught and improved skills for use in my business and interpersonal life. She also gave me a great insight into dealing with personal matters that could be putting brakes on achieving my goals. I have implemented these learnings in my daily life and appreciate these insights.
Lindsay Kotzman
Lindsay Kotzman
CEO Property & Business Commercial Lawyers
Mary will open your mind up to achieving your true calling and therefore potential. Coming from a highly experienced corporate executive background herself, Mary is most aware the demands, pressures and expectations of such a role and the impact it can have on you and the people around you. She will help you define and pursue what is most fulfilling for you so you are able to achieve happiness. Her approach will uncover for you the different levels of thinking including above and below the line thinking and the role those different levels of thinking have in formulating our approach in not only what we do, but how and why we do what we do, and therefore what actions we can take to improve. If you truly want to be better at what you do and above all be a better and more fulfilled positive person, talk with Mary.
George Giamadakis
George Giamadakis
CEO at Contributors & Board Member
Southern Cross Kids Camps
"Mary is a lovely and creative person to work with. I can recommend her for anyone looking to make big changes in their life/career as Mary does not just work on one aspect in isolation. Mary Is intelligent, compassionate and innovative in the way she approaches her clients’ needs. She is an outstanding CEO coach as she deals with the whole person not just one aspect of their work performance. She also values the personal connection with you and keeps regular contact above what you contract her for."
Claire Martin
Claire Martin
Senior Legal Counsel
Transport for NSW
"When you're ready, the coach appears. And when that moment hit for me I knew it was time to start taking my life, my current results and my future success seriously. I was beginning to grasp the level of change I was looking to bring in to my life and it would take me working with the best. I needed help from a seriously great coach. This is exactly what I found in Mary!"
Lorraine Donachie
Lorraine Donachie
Founder 17Coaching
"What can you do when you are caught in a rut, feel disillusioned or lost, unable to see the future? There are many answers to this question that can lead you into depths of depression and anxiety OR you can reach out to a professional coach and mindset strategist like Mary Jensen and reconnect to your passion, purpose and drive. As a long term client of Mary I grew up, redefined my story and let go of my limits with strategies that I can easily use everyday. As a corporate thought leader I am now a better leader, team member and contributor. As a human I am more alive, joyous and aware. I recommend Mary Jensen and her programs as an important ingredient of personal and professional development"
Leigh-Anne Sharland
Leigh-Anne Sharland
Technical Product Owner - Data Platforms
Having worked with Mary in a number of areas in my life, I can only say amazing things about her. She has helped me enormously in my personal growth, as a leader in my business but more of all as a husband and a father. The internal journey that I have undertaken while working with Mary has been the difference. Thank you so much Mary, not only as my coach and mentor but someone that I truly call a loving friend.
Rob Yoannidis
Rob Yoannidis
Co-Founder and Director
Peak Performance Coaching & Training
One word!!!!.......INCREDIBLE⭐️ Mary has been an important part to my journey and in my Mindset Growth. Not only in business but mostly within myself. She has taught me what Gratitude is truly all about and how powerful it can be🙏. Not only to me, but within my business and family as well. You see.... when you look at your business. It’s you!! It’s that simple⭐️ Her Authority in this industry is above and beyond⭐️ She equips you with guidance, tools and skills. She is a game changer
Georgia Yoannidis
Georgia Yoannidis
Co-Founder and Director
Peak Performance Coaching & Training
"Mary Jensen is a speaker who inspires and a coach who teaches the steps you need to move past your "Now" into your future. She is an attentive listener and an astute strategist who knows how to craft a pathway forward for each individual client she works with. I trust every advice that Mary gives because she gives every confidence that she knows what you need and she knows what you can do to get you to where you are going. Thank you Mary for your inspiration and your advice along the way"
Kerry Nelson
Kerry Nelson
Operation Verve
"This woman changed my life... I just got off a call with an old coach of mine, Mary Jensen I booked a check-in with her. Like I have many times over the years and I came to the realization that this time it was different. This time it felt really, really good to be in my body. This time I knew I was healed. Grounded, Clear, Powerful. Ready for the next incredible quantum leap. A very different woman to the one who had first crossed paths with Mary 4 years ago. Mary turned up in my life one day. Unexpectedly. Like all fairy Godmothers do. And she kept turning up. Every time I hit a brick wall. Every time I was processing old and painful trauma. 100 times over with the same annoying advice that I didn't want to hear but eventually began to embody. She took me deep into old traumatic memories and helped me heal them. She held space for my angers and frustrations. And allowed me to release generations of guilt and shame. And she has allowed me to arrive at a place in my life where I am deeply grateful for and in love with my life. Even the parts that were not part of my plan. Mary didn't know I was going to write this. But I had to share it. Especially because we just had our millionth conversation about my f**king Gratitude Practice. Thank you Mary. I'm grateful for you."
Loren Trlin
Loren Trlin
Director & Business Coach
Loren Trlin
"Had the privilege of Coaching with Mary and to say that my life changed as a result was an understatement. Mary is trained in the only research proven coaching methodology Meta Dynamics, she's a true master of her craft and it shows in the excellent results she gets for her clients (me.). I had a lot of limiting beliefs holding me back in my business, I was at that place where I was the person in the way of my own success, and I had no idea how to breakthrough. With Mary's help using Meta Dynamics coaching methodologies I broke through faster than I have when using ANY other coaching methodology, but it's more than that, the change has been permanent and lasting and as a result my business has taken off. A month after being coached by Mary I had the biggest month in business smashing any previous misconceptions about whether or not I was able to achieve the results.
​ I highly highly recommend Mary Jensen"
Caleb Lesa
Caleb Lesa
Managing Director
Authentic Influence
"Mary Jensen is a talented and extremely effective professional who is focused on helping people. As a mindset master, Mary is able to help people navigate their way through the mire of life. She always gives 100% commitment to every client she is involved with and is dedicated to the pursuit of the well being of all her clients. I would highly recommend Mary to you, if you are looking for a path to positive outcomes and achieving your goals. An all round positive and refreshing person to spend time with."
Shay Duldig
Shay Duldig
Chief Executive Officer
BaseCamp Consulting
"No matter who we are or where we start from - Wearing many different 'hats' as a new startup or business owner can sometimes feel overwhelming. With a feeling of 'so much to do, so little time' - I reached out to Mary for some guidance. After first 2 sessions together, I gained clarity about what was holding me back and how to propel forward! I highly recommend this lady for anyone feeling stuck with long lists of to-dos and wanting to make some change! Thank you, Mary"
Steph Panther
Steph Panther
Steph Panther